The CARTEC catalogue is continually updated, so that we can always meet current market needs to perfection, and also be one step ahead of what the market wants tomorrow. CARCANO’s technical departments are constantly at work to devise new, high-performance products: once a project has come to life on the drawing board and passed the preliminary tests, we move on to preparing the actual production stages.
Designing lifting systems: from ideas to dies
When we set about creating a new lifting system, it all starts from a need expressed in the marketplace. From the design, we move on to the prototypes and the die: now we are ready to mass produce our new product
The dies used for our lifting systems are produced in numerically controlled centres which means that all processes are completed down to the tiniest detail, including markings. So as to ensure that the final product is always perfect, you need to get things right from the start: that’s why the creation of the die is so important.
Another fundamental point of departure is choosing the raw materials: no product can guarantee the right level of performance if the material used to make it is of poor quality. So CARCANO chooses certified quality bars: our vast warehouse stock is there to ensure that the production department always has a constant supply. The 5 or 6-metre bars are cut into shorter sections before moving on to being processed.
Producing lifting systems: experience and technology
In-house production of lifting systems requires a series of steps that need to be performed to perfection so as to ensure maximum efficiency, reliability and safety to our customers. That is why experience goes shoulder-to-shoulder with technology
In order to produce CARTEC lifting systems, the raw material bars need to be heated to a temperature of over 1000°C: a result that we manage to achieve in a few seconds thanks to a special coil: the bars enter the machine at room temperature and come out the other side white hot, in a totally seamless process.
Once it has reached that temperature, the bar is ready to be pressed, and the items produced are left to cool in special metal baskets.
The mechanical processes vary according to the item being produced and can be more or less complex: some items may need sandblasting, for example, so as to make their surfaces smoother and shinier; eyebolts will need to have their stems threaded, while other pieces may need to be assembled together to create a unit, and so on.
Another fundamental phase in processing is that of heat treatment: the metal is heated and cooled according to precise times, temperatures and procedures so as to acquire different mechanical and technological properties. The most common heat treatments are Normalising and Neutral hardening.
Finishing, testing and storage: that’s how our lifting systems are made ready for sale
Testing phases are particularly important when talking about lifting systems: products are stored and made ready to be placed on the market, only if they pass the most rigorous tests
Once the product has been made, all that’s left to do is to give it its definitive colour: powder-coating is not merely to provide visual appeal, but actually serves to protect the item against corrosion and aggressive agents. Particular paints that are heat-sensitive also allow any cases of overheating to be checked in real time.
One fundamental stage is still missing before our lifting systems can be put on the market: testing. Each CARTEC lot is subjected to five different production tests: tensile strength, resilience, chemical analysis, X-ray and magnetoscope examination, and fatigue testing. This set of tests guarantees compliance with the highest quality standards.
Only when a batch has passed these rigorous tests is it ready to be sent to the customer or stored in the CARCANO automated warehouse, waiting to be sent promptly to any part of the world. Careful warehouse management means that we always have ample available stocks of catalogue items so as to respond quickly and efficiently to all requests.