Choice of the best lifting system
How to choose the best lifting system? What elements do we need to consider? A few notions on how to operate safely and efficiently in all situations.
Lifting systems and rigging hardware of top high quality, full control over production, technology innovation that never stops: this is Stamperia Carcano’s world.
How to choose the best lifting system? What elements do we need to consider? A few notions on how to operate safely and efficiently in all situations.
Work has begun on turning CARTEC Safety Academy into a webinar: since the lessons dedicated to safety in the preparation and use of lifting systems were inaugurated, there have been many requests from all over the world.
When talking about slings for lifting and handling loads, there are two aspects we need to pay particular attention to: the first is the quality of the accessories being used, the second is the correct assembly and use of components according to the characteristics of the load to be lifted and moved.
How to choose your course at the CARTEC Safety Academy? Here is what the safe lifting school offers and how to organise company training
Carcano has received Certification from the LEEA as an Associate Member: a certificate demonstrating the quality and safety of products and processes alike
When we offer our customers a new product, whether it is a new entry in the catalogue or an ad hoc creation for one customer, what lies inside it is a world of technology and research with decades of history in its wake and the working together of a trained and specialised team.
That’s a truism for all to see, but it is not always as obvious as it might appear: when it comes to carbon footprints, we need to remember that the most sustainable impact is the one that avoids being produced. That’s why we concentrate our efforts on reducing emissions.
With the introduction of the online CARTEC Safety Academy, Carcano has provided the world with the chance of following advanced training on lifting and handling loads. An opportunity met with enthusiasm by companies on the international stage.
Carcano’s approach to sustainability includes an all-round commitment, which ranges from the installation of solar panels to the adoption of environmentally friendly and sustainable packaging. And, of course, this means continual research and ongoing improvements following a route that includes no stops.
When we presented the new rotating eyebolt Performer 813X, we had some fun imagining what could be lifted with this extraordinary product: well, with its mere 33 mm thread, the smallest in its range, you could actually lift two T-Rexes.
To operate in total safety in the lifting field, Carcano has established the CARTEC Safety Academy, structured in three levels: the first of these already allows operators to learn the notions required to operate in total tranquillity.
Knowledge and measurability are at the heart of total quality – an objective we aim for in our work every day – and the very possibility of making improvements: this is why process monitoring is absolutely essential.