Delivery in 24h: the express service by CARCANO
Perfect organisation, a state-of-the-art warehouse and direct control over the production process: that is how CARCANO has succeeded in organising, testing and consolidating its 24h delivery service for lifting systems at the request of customers.

Delivery in 24h: the express service by CARCANO
Speed in today’s world is one of the fundamentals for companies wishing to keep pace with the times: that’s where our 24h delivery of CARCANO systems fits in.
We know all too well that speed is one of the fundamentals for a company wishing to keep pace with the times: knowing how to meet customer requests even when time is really short is one of the points that CARCANO has always worked on, organising its internal supply chain so as to increasingly improve its performance also from this point of view.
So that is how our 24h delivery service took shape covering both the CARTEC line and the CARFER line: speed and an immediate response, though never to the detriment of quality and the reliability of our brands, which remain our priority.
Thanks to its service levels, CARCANO set itself the target of entering the marketplace with ever-improving levels of performance, without ever forgetting the true mainstays of its business: top quality and complete control over the whole lifting systems production process, maximum safety and a vast range of proposals.
Off-the-shelf lifting systems thanks to a state-of-the-art warehouse
Computerised management and a state-of-the-art warehouse are the basic principles for our off-the-shelf products.
The foundations underlying the organised express delivery of CARCANO-brand lifting systems are undoubtedly the enormous investments made over recent years for the creation of a computerised, state-of-the-art warehouse, together with CARCANO’s production capacity and direct control over the whole process.
In this way, if the warehouse items fall below a certain preset, critical threshold, a restocking request is sent automatically to the production departments, which are then in a position to organise the production of the required items. This means that the necessary stocks of all the various catalogue items are ensured at all times.
Conditions of the immediate delivery service for lifting systems
How does the immediate product delivery program work? Warehouse availability, weight and conditions for standard orders
Even when CARCANO is not required to work at top speed, it can expedite all incoming orders swiftly: standard jobs are processed within three days from receipt of the order and extra materials can be added up to midday on the day following the date of confirmation. Conditions obviously need to be different when we talk about fast orders for lifting materials, which must specifically be labelled as an “H24 order”. For the above reasons, this type of delivery is only accepted for goods that are available in stock, and naturally speaking, no modifications or additions are possible since the order preparation is virtually on-the-spot.
Lastly, there are some limits – though with plenty of leeway – as regards the weight of fast delivery orders, which cannot exceed 1000 kg.