
True quality is certified quality: this is the reason for the H92 mark

Obtaining the H92 mark from DGUV for its grade 80 and grade 100 accessories used in its lifting systems is one of Carcano’s major successes: the desire to certify processes and products is, however, part of a specific company philosophy devoted to quality and transparency.



Certified quality: the philosophy of facts over mere intentions

The desire to certify products and processes arises from our belief that intentions should not be merely applied in reality, but also proven by being assessed by entities outside the company

Carcano has always felt it is not enough just to declare a desire to be constantly assessed in the field of quality and safety: of course, declarations of intent are important, if not fundamental, as they express the company philosophy and highlight its willingness to follow a certain path. However, that statement of intentions must proverbially be matched by the facts, which are the physical paving slabs along that path. And that’s still not enough! Your commitment to doing everything for the best and being convinced that you have succeeded in that is not sufficient: you also need to demonstrate it and ensure that all the company stakeholders can have access to this information and that’s where certifications come into play.

The reason behind Carcano’s “passion” for certifications lies precisely in its desire to demonstrate how it applies company philosophy and its intentions for improvement, in the field of safety, quality or the environment. Proof of this comes from obtaining the H92 mark through DGUV.

Elements of this perspective include the implementation of the 231 Organisational Model and the communication of its Code of Ethical Behaviour – a feature of Carcano’s business style since 1960 – also to customers and suppliers. As for its Quality Management System, this has been up and running since 1995 in compliance with EN ISO 9001 standards and then in 2014, it gained certification issued by DNV.
The Environmental Management System is also certified by DNV, in accordance with the EN ISO 14001:2015 standard.

DGUV accreditation for the H92 mark

To date, Carcano is still the only Italian company in its sector to have been accredited with the H92 mark from the German body DGUV

However, one of Carcano’s major successes is the accreditation from the German safety institution DGUV - PRÜFZERT PZNM - EISEN METALL I, as it is the only Italian company to date whose hot forging process used for the manufacture of lifting accessories has obtained this recognition. This internationally recognized accreditation certifies the reliability of its processes and the products offered to the market. Obtained in 1997 in relation to the production of grade 80 and grade 100 accessories in compliance with the EN818 and EN1677 standards, this accreditation is represented by the H92 mark.

The H92 mark is stamped on each individual product in the CARTEC line, together with all the information necessary to identify the piece and data relating to traceability: completeness, transparency and reliability are three cornerstones in Carcano’s production philosophy.

Carcano has always been active in the sector of accessories for lifting systems and, thanks to these characteristics, it has also broadened its horizons, opening up to new markets and fresh challenges while always remaining faithful to its production and service philosophy.

In addition to lifting systems: approvals and certifications in various sectors

Over the years, expertise, innovation and certifications have paved the way towards other high-tech sectors at a European level, consolidating Carcano’s international position

Carcano’s position as a leader in the production and distribution of accessories for cables and chains is a direct consequence of the company philosophy based on knowledge and expertise gained over decades of specialisation and on its capacity for innovation that is the driving force behind its ability to continually improve the resistance, reliability and quality of its products, while expanding its catalogue and responding to increasingly specific and precise needs.

Over the years, passion, expertise and a search for quality, already applied to all the articles produced and marketed by Carcano, have also engaged other sectors: certifications and approvals have also been extended to its products in the field of railway lines, power lines and telephone lines, taking the Carcano brand into exclusive, high-tech market niches across Europe.